"Separate thyself not from the community."
(Rabbi Hillel)
The members of Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC) are honored to share the resources they have been compiling to help soften the emotional and spiritual impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have questions regarding any source, or if you would like to contribute an additional resource, please contact najcwebmaven@jewishchaplain.net
(Added 01/28/22) “Unsung Heroes,” Cantor Alane S. Katzew, BCC and Edits by Joanne Fink ( From InternationalGriefInstitute.com)
(Added 01/28/22) "Undeterred by COVID-19, Hospital Chaplains Transform Delivery of Spiritual Care," (MDedge Internal Medicine Article, 4/27/20, featuring an interview with NAJC's Rabbi Neal Loevinger)
(Added 01/28/22) "Ministry During Pandemic: From Awareness to Implementation." by Dr. Naomi Paget, BCC, BCETS, Fellow, National Center for Crisis Management
(Added 01/28/22) "Prayer of Hope and Courage" by Rabbi Lynn C. Liberman, BCC
(verified 01/07/22) "A Prayer of (Continued) Hope During This Pandemic," by Rabbi Naomi Levy
(verified 01/07/22) "The Changing Role of Chaplains at Long-Term Care Facilities," by Howard Seidman, in nextavenue.org, January 15, 2021
(verified 01/07/22) "Prayer on the COVID Vaccine," by Rabbi Karen Reiss Medwed
(verified 01/07/22) "A Prayer for Receiving the COVID Vaccine" by Rabbi Naomi Levy
(Verified 01/28/22) A Prayer for Essential Workers” by Chaplain Ilisia Kissner
(Verified 02/13/22) “Prayer for Health Care Providers” by Rabbi Ayelet S Cohen
“No Boat off the Island” (Rabbi Gregory Marx)
“Passover and Easter Prayer Supplement” (Rabbi Steven J. Rubensein, BCC)
“Rabbi’s Weekly Commentary Re: COVID-19”(Rabbi Steven J. Rubenstein, BCC)
“Rationing During a Pandemic Flu - Jewish Sources”(Aryeh Dienstag)
“Prayers, Poetry, Reflections” (Mishkan Miami Chaplains)

“Rabbi Nachman Poster”
“Spiritual Message Re: COVID-19”(Rabbi Steven J. Rubenstein, BCC)
"The Division of Scarce Resources … in Halacha” (Judah Goldschmiedt)
“The Rabbi Who Ate on Yom Kippur …Cholera Epidemic … 1848” (Ir Taub)
“Spiritual Care Guidance for Health Care Workers” (UC San Diego Health)
“Spiritual Care Guidance for Health Care Workers” (UC San Diego Health)
“With One Hand Behind Me …” (Chaplain Barry E. Pitegoff, BCC)
“COVID-19 Resources … from Reconstructing Judaism” (Robert Tabak, BCC)
“Friday Evening Prayer … During COVID-19 Pandemic” (Rabbi Leah Doberne-Schor for ReformJudaism.org)